
Managers and Supervisors

 Managers and Supervisors

Managers and supervisors have a central role in supporting NQSWs as part of their commitment to promoting professional social work practice. 

Supervisors are uniquely placed to understand strengths and areas for development as they engage with NQSWs in a variety of day-to-day settings as well as discussions through supervision. 

Managers and supervisors will


  • Understand their contribution to the NQSW Supported Year. 
  • Work with employers to establish processes and systems. 
  • Plan and review professional development regularly. 
  • Be transparent. 
  • Manage changes to supervisory relationships. 

Developing effective supervision

We have developed resources for supervisors about supervision of NQSWs in Scotland.

If you are new to supervision, you can use the materials as structured self-directed learning resources. This will introduce the theory and practice of supervision. We also signpost to further reading and resources. If you are an established or experienced supervisor, you can find out about the specific needs of NQSWs. You can also refresh your knowledge and explore the resources that contextualise current practice.

The intention of providing these resources is not to conflict with existing organisational processes, but to support and enhance provision in a way that is consistent for NQSWs as part of the national approach in Scotland.

# Managers and Supervisors

Supervision resources for supervisors

Other websites by the SSSC

The SSSC has created several websites that provide specific services for learning and statistic reporting.