


NQSWs work in many different settings and roles in their practice. Throughout your first year of practice and your future career, it is crucial to develop your knowledge, skills and values across key areas of Continuing Professional Learning (CPL).

Below, you will find links to information and learning resources specifically for NQSWs.

A graphic showing the core learning elements for social workers. In the middle of the graphic is ethics, values and rights-based practice. Around this are the following core elements: communication, engagement and relationship-based practice. Critical thinking, professional judgement and decision making. Promoting wellbeing support and protection. Working with complexity in unpredictable and ambiguous contexts. Use of knowledge research and evidence in practice. Self awareness and reflexivity. Professional leadership.

Core learning elements

The core learning elements for social workers form the basis for your CPL requirements within social work practice. They describe the knowledge, skills and values common to all professional social work practice. They build on learning accessed through social work education and the professional development that NQSWs will consolidate and advance as registered social workers.  

It is important that you read the NQSW Supported Year overview and guidance to understand the approach and your responsibilities as a registered worker. We also provide practical sessions to help you understand CPL requirements and have recorded sessions available here.



A flowchart graphic of regular professional supervision. 1.Start 2. learning plan from university 3. initial development discussion and planning within six weeks (of registration or employment if already registered) 4. mid-year review of progress and individual development plan 5. end of year review of progress and individual development plan. If yes move to validation of NQSW progress and CPL activity then NQSW submission to the SSSC if no to step 5 then move to organisations annual professional development review process.

NQSW Supported Year process

As part of your NQSW Supported Year you can expect to receive effective supervision and support. During the year there are key stages at which you and your supervisor will focus on your developing professional needs.

Supervision for NQSWs

We have developed a full range of supervision resources for NQSWs (embed Link to Supervision Resources for NQSWs on Resources Page). This includes materials for Managers and supervisors to support you in your development. These are linked to promote best practice in professional supervision. 


Supervision resources for NQSWs

# Managers and Supervisors

Supervision resources for supervisors

Other websites by the SSSC

The SSSC has created several websites that provide specific services for learning and statistic reporting.