
NQSW Supported Year

 NQSW Supported Year

Statement from NQSW Implementation Partnership

The NQSW Implementation Partnership is committed to the national implementation of a supported first year in practice for newly qualified social workers (NQSWs).

Supporting NQSWs using the Definitions of employer support will become mandatory for employers and is part of the ambition to create a strategic framework from qualifying education through to advanced practice for all social workers and social work employers in Scotland. The Supported Year provides an infrastructure so that all workers know what support they will receive from their employer to assist their transition from education into the workforce.

The NQSW Supported Year Implementation Partnership meets on a monthly basis and actions are approved by the Social Work Education Partnership (SWEP). The national rollout of the NQSW Supported Year will proceed as planned for October 2024.

To achieve this the NQSW Implementation Partnership will continue to work with key partners to ensure the necessary supports and systems are in place for successful implementation.

Brief overview of the NQSW Supported Year

The NQSW Supported Year is relevant to all newly qualified social workers registered with the SSSC.

It aims to ensure that all NQSWs entering the workforce have access to support and development opportunities which consolidate social work education and develop professional identity and social work practice.

Principles of the NQSW Supported Year


  • Developmental in nature
  • Promotes professional identity
  • Values ways in which social workers learn
  • Process is transparent
  • Supports supervisors


A graphic showing the different aspects of Employer support. The aspects listed are peer support and mentoring, induction, professional development, professional support, continuous professional learning, protected caseload and protected time.
NQSW Supported Year

Employer Support

Employers will work to consistently provide theĀ  support outlined in the Definitions of employer support document.

A flowchart graphic of regular professional supervision. 1.Start 2. learning plan from university 3. initial development discussion and planning within six weeks (of registration or employment if already registered) 4. mid-year review of progress and individual development plan 5. end of year review of progress and individual development plan. If yes move to validation of NQSW progress and CPL activity then NQSW submission to the SSSC if no to step 5 then move to organisations annual professional development review process.
NQSW Supported Year

NQSW Supported Year process

The NQSW Supported Year places supervision and professional development at the centre. It provides a structured approach to discussing and reviewing individual professional development. Full detail of the approach is available in the NQSW Supported Year overview and guidance

A graphic showing the core learning elements for social workers. In the middle of the graphic is ethics, values and rights-based practice. Around this are the following core elements: communication, engagement and relationship-based practice. Critical thinking, professional judgement and decision making. Promoting wellbeing support and protection. Working with complexity in unpredictable and ambiguous contexts. Use of knowledge research and evidence in practice. Self awareness and reflexivity. Professional leadership.
NQSW Supported Year

Core Learning Elements for Social Workers

The Core learning elements for social workers: NQSW descriptors and mandatory learning activity provides a framework for NQSWs to meet registration requirements in addition to specific organisation, service and team learning.

Evidence of meeting the continuous professional learning (CPL) registration requirements will be validated and endorsed by the employing organisation. NQSWs are responsible for informing the SSSC that they have met their registration requirements

Other websites by the SSSC

The SSSC has created several websites that provide specific services for learning and statistic reporting.