
Anti-racist practice

 Anti-racist practice

Social work has a key role to play in anti-oppressive practice, promoting social justice and fairness. Practitioners need to work in a way that supports and protects people and challenges discrimination in all forms and is culturally sensitive. 

The characteristics of social work practice are outlined in NQSW Core Learning Element descriptors and mandatory learning activity which are underpinned by ethical practice. NQSWs are expected to: 

Develop an understanding of and apply ethical principles and values to all aspects of professional practice. Recognise sources and impact of social inequality and systemic oppression. Take action to protect and advocate for human rights and social justice, including development of an anti-racist, intersectional approach

The revised SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers clearly state that any form of discrimination is not acceptable, and that neither workers nor employers should condone any discrimination. They also require positive action.  

Workers will:

  • Promote diversity and respect all identities, values and cultures. 

Employers will:

  • Make sure workers know and understand signs of exploitation, discrimination, harm, neglect and abuse and the action they must take. 
  • Make sure that workers understand bullying, harassment or any form of discrimination is not acceptable and take action to deal with such behaviour.

Helpful resources

Other websites by the SSSC

The SSSC has created several websites that provide specific services for learning and statistic reporting.