
Frequently asked questions for NQSWs

 Frequently asked questions for NQSWs

This page is intended to supplement the information provided in the NQSW Supported Year overview and guidance 2024 document available on the implementation section of the NQSW website. 

How do I know if I need to meet the NQSW CPL requirements?

Does my CPL requirement begin when I start work or when I register?

How does mandatory learning activity fit with learning for my role?

I registered as a social worker before June 2024, do I need to change to the new CPL approach?

What if I need more time to meet the CPL requirements?

Can I include learning from before my registration date?

What happens if I change jobs during my first 12 or 18 months as an NQSW?

What happens if I have a break in employment part way through my first 12 or 18 months as an NQSW?

What happens if I am working in a role where I do not need to be registered as a social worker?

What happens if I am on two parts of the Register – CPL

What is annual declaration?

Do I have to complete all the mandatory learning activity?

What happens if I don’t meet the CPL requirements?

Why do the new forms refer to the NQSW Supported Year?

How do I know if I am part of the NQSW Supported Year implementation?

What if the NQSW Supported Year is not available to me?

What if I move to another country?

Can I complete some of the NQSW mandatory learning activity if I am not a NQSW?

Other websites by the SSSC

The SSSC has created several websites that provide specific services for learning and statistic reporting.