
Working in teams and partnerships

 Working in teams and partnerships

Most social workers work in teams, whether they are grouped by locality or specialism. You may work in a team in which social workers make up all the team, or you may work with multiple other professions. 

If you work in a rural area, or your employer has adopted agile working, you may have fewer opportunities to sit with and listen to other workers and you will need to plan to meet with others in person. 

Starting work in a new team as a NQSW may bring about feelings of ‘imposter syndrome’ or other anxieties about your professional role. Use of supervision and peer support at these times is crucial to your development as a social worker. 

Here are some reflective questions which may help you consider your part of team working:

  • Think about when you have spent time shadowing or listening to other workers interactions, what did you learn from this?   
  • What is your role in any team you are part of?  
  • How do you contribute to meetings? 
  • How would you like to contribute to the team? 
  • What have you learned about your social work identity from working with other professions? 

Other websites by the SSSC

The SSSC has created several websites that provide specific services for learning and statistic reporting.