
Transition from student to NQSW

 Transition from student to NQSW

On this page you will find information and resources to support you to move from social work education to the workplace as a newly qualified social worker (NQSW). Partnership working between universities, employers, students, NQSWs and SSSC is required to ensure an effective transition.  

The transition pathway between student to NQSW is based on a set of principles: 


Transition principles: 

Principle 1: Professional learning underpins the transition.  

Principle 2: The Individual Learning Plan (ILP) informs the transition journey.  

Principle 3: Peer support and mentoring are essential during the transition. 

What universities will do?

Course providers have worked together to agree a consistent approach to supporting transitions. The curriculum covers:


  • Employability
  • Self-care
  • Graduate Experience
  • Interview preparation
  • Reflection on your journey so far and development of your professional identity
  • Completion of your Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
  • Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) registration requirements

What employers will do?

Employers are invited to contribute to the transitions curriculum in a variety of ways. This can include tips for interviews and insight into the realities of professional social worker role. 

Your supervisor must discuss your individual learning plan with you at your initial professional development discussion as part of the NQSW supported year, once you are registered as a social worker. Full details about this can be found in the NQSW Supported Year overview and guidance. 

What students and NQSWs will do ?

All students should leave their qualifying programme with an individual learning plan (ILP).

It is the student’s responsibility to complete the ILP with support from their course provider. 

The process will help you to:

  • Reflect on your journey through your programme.
  • Consider how you learn most effectively.
  • Identify the key actions that will be required to assist you to complete your ILP.
  • Prepare for interviews.


As part of the NQSW Supported Year you are expected to share your ILP with your supervisor when you begin your role. 

Other websites by the SSSC

The SSSC has created several websites that provide specific services for learning and statistic reporting.